Saturday, May 23, 2009

The best bologna sandwich ever

My last post reminded me of an answered prayer story I have from one of our Alaska trips. Kurt and I had been backpacking the wilderness of Denali National Park for 8 days and our food was running low. I was pregnant at the time and I thought all of our food tasted like white gas--"all" of our food being, as I recall, mostly peanut M&M's and half a bag of wheat thins. I was very hungry and anxious to get out to the road and catch a bus back to the entrance area and the restaurant there.

As we were approaching the road and my heart soared with anticipation of getting out of the woods, Kurt said that he wanted to catch the bus in the opposite direction to see Mt. McKinley--a two hour ride with no food along the way. I told him i was starving and couldn't wait any longer, but he *really* wanted to go. As I was fuming silently to myself, the Lord asked me why I had come on the trip. Well, for Kurt, I replied. Then let him go see the mountain. But Lord, I'm so hungry! I will provide food for you.

I had a little crisis of faith there--was I really hearing Him say that? But I decided to trust and agreed to go to see the mountain with Kurt. Not 10 minutes later on the bus ride, this guy in front of us turned around and said, "hey, we're getting off at the next stop and can't take all this food with us. Do you want it?" My jaw about hit the floor. We got Cliff bars and baked goodies and jerky and a vegetarian bologna sandwich. Not something I would normally have chosen from a menu, but I tell you I ate every bite with tears of thanksgiving. I don't think it could have tasted better if it were a steak dinner.

1 comment:

  1. This story brings tears to my eyes because it's one thing to be hungry, and quite another to be pregnant and hungry. It was a real step of faith for you to make the sacrifice for your husband.
