Thursday, May 14, 2009

Anxiousness about food

I get really overwhelmed by all of the information out there concerning what to eat and what not to eat, and in what proportions and with what other foods at the same time. There's so much research and people are always changing their minds. It left me feeling this constant anxiety, like no matter what I ate, it was going to be the wrong thing. Hunger seemed like a better option a lot of the time!

Tuesday morning I was sharing my anxieties with the Lord, and the food issue came up. I asked Him to help me know what to eat so I didn't have to worry about it anymore. He answered me with a question. Why are you so anxious to preserve your body, as though I am not Lord over it?

I was wasting energy worrying about "what to eat and drink" just as Jesus commanded us not to. He told us that the Father knows even the hairs on our heads and feeds the sparrows. And the sparrows don't obsess over whether their breadcrumbs are whole grain or not. If they could speak, they would just give thanks.

God also answered my request for wisdom. I've been thinking about something a good friend shared with me, and found that it's really true: our bodies tell us what they want to eat. Want a chocolate bar? Eat it. Tomorrow you'll want a salad. And it's true! Sometimes it's just my brain telling me to eat something sweet or comforty, and thats the voice of something more like an addiction. But when I listen to my stomach, I find myself wanting a good healthy variety of foods. Problem solved. What a major relief!!


  1. at some point i realized (well, i was brought up this way to some degree, i remember no pop and always salad and milk with dinner) that if i just keep healthy (and tasty!) things around the house, and none of the other stuff, i end up perfectly happy eating what i'm eating. i agree it's not worth being anxious over, and i think the best thing i did for my own decrease in the worry was to start getting groceries at a produce shop, where i don't even see all the other food-like-substances that are so common in big grocery stores. turns out people are nicer in smaller stores too. :) it's likely the thing i will miss most about CA!

  2. It helped me a lot when I limited or eliminated the junk food around the house too. I keep some stuff for guests and "emergencies" but I try to eat fruit instead of candy and found that most times I actually prefer the fruit. A pleasant surprise!
